„ONE HEALTH” – A Single Health for People, Animals and the Environment – is the new Global Concept that brings together specialists’ concerns from all areas that condition health, including Nutrition, and The Occupational, with two main directions of action: Primary Prophylaxis of Life and Post-Therapy Life.




Worldwide human health disorders are increasing in volume, they are diversifying; accelerated climate change, population movements, new diseases with uncontrolled evolution and the antibiotic-resistant super-sensitive bacteria are the biggest challenges of the moment.

In this context the implementation of the One Health Concept must become a national security objective for the balance and good functioning of society and for life as a priority, as the action is being addressed frontally in the US and now in the EU.





Established in May 2015, the One Health-New Medical Concept Association succeeded in just two years to bring together specialists and institutions that represent an enormous scientific potential that must be utilized a priori.

More than 400 members and more than 20 institutions (universities, research institutes, hospitals and others entities), both in the country and abroad, subscribe to the Association’s approach.

National designed projects, some in the world premiere, are in progress to capitalize on a Romanian unique expertise platform to solve some of the acute health problems of the society: antibiotic resistance (the great challenge of today’s medicine), the alarming incidence of zoonoses (infectious diseases transmitted on the animal-human route), increase and diversification almost uncontrolled of many diseases caused by climate change and population movements




Internationally, the One Health New Medical Concept Association, in fact, represents Romania at international congresses, to conclude international agreements in Brussels, at the European Federation of Medical Academies (FEAM) and does it with responsibility and success.

The One Health New Medical Concept Association has won the international recognition and appreciation of the Coordinating Forums of the One Health Concept, the One Health Commission and the US One Health Initiative

At European level, the Association received from the European Federation of Medical Academies (FEAM) the opportunity to promote the One Heath Concept at the South-East and Central Europe Region and also to start the research on One Health issue, an unique responsibility for a Romanian body.

In this very context, in June 2017 the Association concluded a Partner Agreement in Budapest with the University of Veterinary Medicine from Budapest (ranked 6th in the world)

for the joint organization of One Health 2018 Inter-regional Conferences in Bucharest and One Health 2019 Inter-regional Conferences in Budapest.




Internally, the Association focused its attention on two main directions:

– Organizationally, by receiving members and concluding collaboration agreements with institutions active in areas of interest for health

–  Developing projects to promote and implement the One Health Concept




The scientific potential of the Association and the primary objective of Cocept, namely coagulating the efforts of specialists to ensure priority and sustainability of life, is realized through a series of major projects One health.

The European Federation of Medical Academies (FEAM) granted the Center, aiming to pay a coordinating role of the research activities on One Health in Eurore.

The center is organized under the Medical Science Academy, as part of the Comparative Medicine department.

The consortium participating on the Center is represented by:

  • One Health New Medical Concept Association
  • Mediterranean Forum on Comparative Medicine
  • National Institute of Research and Development for Food Bioresources
  • University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Of Bucharest
  • Diagnostic Institute for Animal Health Bucharest
  • Spiru Haret University
  • Oncology Institute Bucharest
  • University of Medicine and Pharmacy Tg. Mures
  • University Dunarea de jos Galati
  • Center for diabetes Pavel Bucharest
  • National Institute of research Cantacuzino
  • University of Veterinary Medicine Cluj Napoca



The Association successfully organized the European Inter-regional Conference One Health 2016, Bucharest and the National Conference One Health 2017, Tg. Mures.

Following the agreement concluded in Budapest with the University of Veterinary Medicine Budapest they will together organize the European Inter-regional Conference One Health 2018 in Bucharest and the European Inter-regional Conference One Health 2019 in Budapest.



The association edits the magazine „ONE HEALTH INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL”, currently scheduled in four annual publications, in English.

The journal mainly addresses specialists and brings together scientific articles, many of which contain scientific communications from the One Health Conventions.

From a high scientific level, the magazine will soon get international accreditation





The One Health Association New Medical Concept is a private non-profit legal person,

apolitical, founded under the law on associations and foundations.

The income of the Association it comes from donations, sponsorship’s and the development of  projects.

A very important founding source are the projects funded by European funds, unfortunately, since now, projects prepared by approx. two years, can not work because the European funds 2014-2020 are blocked.

Significant sponsorship’s have not been achieved, excepting the Spiru Haret University, with which a special partnership program is being carried out: supporting current activity, substantial support for the European Conference One Health 2016, launching the European Cluster for One Health Postgraduate Courses, hosting the European One Conference Health 2018.


Major actions and projects are affected:

– Running One Health projects, just mentioning antibiotic resistance, zoonoses, and One Health Excellence Center.

– International publishing and broadcasting of the One Health International Journal

– Upgrading and interactive operation of the Association’s website

– Traveling in the country for setting up clusters and finalizing the documentation for research and/or implementation projects Concept, through financing from the central budget, local budgets or European funds

– Participation in One Health International Conferences/Congresses

– Organizing National and International Conferences

– Traveling abroad to conclude international partnership agreements in the spirit of promoting the One Health Concept in Central and South Eastern Europe.

The importance of promoting and implementing the Concept is a certainty and, on the other hand, in many, many of the actions and projects mentioned, the Association represents Romania.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut semper nunc eu vulputate egestas. Suspendisse condimentum risus nec semper dictum. Etiam venenatis sapien non metus finibus, vel auctor nisi aliquet. Mauris posuere nisl consectetur eros fringilla, non maximus metus rutrum. Pellentesque augue tellus, auctor quis luctus eget, porttitor sed neque. Pellentesque congue pulvinar dolor, vitae feugiat sapien semper ut. Aenean dignissim, sapien sit amet facilisis mollis, quam nunc posuere sem, nec porttitor turpis nisi ac ipsum. In vitae massa elit. Nulla ut lacus posuere, blandit arcu at, iaculis eros. Suspendisse eget nisl maximus, eleifend magna in, eleifend nulla. Maecenas pulvinar tincidunt felis eu ornare.

Aenean eget nisl faucibus eros hendrerit scelerisque ac sit amet nisl. Nullam quis pellentesque nibh. In at purus eu massa feugiat sollicitudin. Proin sodales elit at lorem vehicula, vehicula placerat nulla ultrices. Proin congue et tellus et pretium. Nam ullamcorper nunc eget orci finibus, at faucibus nisi condimentum. Suspendisse tincidunt urna mi, sit amet mollis quam tempus quis. Vestibulum scelerisque ipsum at eros ultricies sollicitudin. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae;

Donec a mollis libero, vitae euismod metus. Sed in auctor diam. Maecenas ornare mauris a ipsum laoreet pellentesque nec a sem. Nam posuere dolor bibendum, bibendum dui eget, egestas dolor. In sollicitudin ligula et consequat vulputate. Sed rhoncus scelerisque enim a bibendum. Proin nec mauris vitae dui egestas luctus. Curabitur quis dignissim nulla, eget scelerisque quam. Cras mattis felis vel ipsum tincidunt, at sodales turpis posuere. Sed at bibendum nisi, dictum scelerisque risus. Nulla facilisi. Nulla metus elit, feugiat eget sollicitudin fermentum, imperdiet a lacus.